About Robert

Robert is a Maine-based artist and photographer.

Born: Nashville, TN

Raised: Louisville, KY & Atlanta, GA

Education: Fine Art & Photography - Connecticut College, New London CT

Lived & Worked: Atlanta, GA, Louisville, KY, San Francisco, CA, Barcelona, Spain, Boston, MA, Cape Elizabeth, ME

Jobs along the way: (In No Particular Order) - Photography Assistant, Interior Designer, Construction Worker, Graphic Designer, Art Director, Mail Room Clerk, Creative Director, Waiter, Bus Boy, Illustrator, Courier, Architect’s Assistant, Branding Consultant, Editor, Soccer Coach… & Photographer.

Ive been so fortunate to make a living doing what I love. For the last 20 years, I’ve explored many career opportunities that (with the exception of a few in my younger days) always revolved around creating artwork, design and photography. Photography has allowed me to travel the world and meet so many amazing people. It is a passion. Though the equipment has changed a lot since my days of traveling with 400 rolls of film and polaroids, For me the essence has always remained the same: Capture a single moment in time that tells a story or creates an emotion.

I'm grateful to have worked for some of the best clients and to have developed strong relationships and friendships with so many along the way. Including: EF Educational Tours, Shipyard Brewing Company, Charles River Associates, EF Cultural Care Au Pair, Erino Clothing, The Woodlands, Federle Mahoney Law Firm, Centerpoint LLC, Sea Dog Brewing Company, American Surgical Company, Gmedia, North American Teleconference, Unified Technologies, Hult Business School, EF International Language Schools, Kaspersky Labs, EF Foundation, EF Smithsonian Tours, Brooks Pond, EF College Break, Go ahead Vacations.

I'm pleased to be able to now offer my graphic prints for sale. These illustrations were originally created for the Sea Dog Brewing Company as way way to show the Mascot, Barney the dog, exploring New England. I've been so flattered by the response so far and It has now grown into a fun side-project to illustrate some of my favorites locations in Maine. 

For more information on Robert's work, to get in touch regarding employment opportunities, or to just say hello, feel free to get in touch.